This study raises awareness of the diversity of interpretations of the New Testament Greco-Roman economic context by providing an orientation to the literature regarding five key factors employed in Rohrbaughs countertraditional study of Jesus parable of the [talents: (1)] an interdisciplinary research method, (2) Fosters theory of limited good, (3) models of the rich-poor spectrum, (4) views regarding the predominant economic activity characterizing the Greco-Roman era, and finally, a factor of a different sort, (5) the role of canonical Scripture within an interdisciplinary research method. Awareness of the challenges in the study of economic data in the New Testament may encourage a more cautious approach in making interpretive claims, reflecting a humble recognition of the present limitations of evidence.
Klaus Issler, "Five Factors of New Testament Interpretation: Rohrbaugh's Parable of the Talents," Journal of Markets & Morality 20, no. 2 (Fall 2017): 243-261