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There Is Now Only One Social Question: The Development of The Whole Person in Every Single Dimension

Jean-Yves Naudet


Two aspects of Caritas in Veritate are noteworthy for a social encyclical: its title and its intended recipients. Despite outlining a theological and Christian approach to integral human development, the social encyclical takes an explicitly theological title and is promulgated not only to Christians but to all people of good will. This article explores how Caritas in Veritate expands on previous Roman Catholic social teaching by highlighting the centrality of a holistic understanding of the human personthe relationship between love and justice; the condition of original sin, humanitys moral nature, unity, and globalization; the concept of gift, education, culture, environment; and the sanctity of human lifefor the social question and integral human development.

Jean-Yves Naudet, "There Is Now Only One Social Question: The Development of The Whole Person in Every Single Dimension", Journal of Markets and Morality 16, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 69-83

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