In Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI addresses the identity crisis of modern man: He does not know who he is, and he has reduced knowledge about himself to the experimental and particular sciences, which are incapable alone of revealing his true identity as a creation of God. This article traces the epistemological and anthropological shift from David Hume to the modern day and details Benedicts response to this new science of man. Caritas in Veritate exposes the insufficiency of the modern, enlightened anthropology and raises anew the challenge of a reasoned metaphysical, anthropological, and theological reflection on the relationship between God and humanity for the sake of the development of the human person and society toward their ultimate destiny: to be more by freely responding to the call of God to live in unity with the love of Jesus Christ.
RaquelLaro, "What Does It Mean To Be More? Integral Human Development: Truth and Freedom", Journal of Markets and Morality 16, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 101-112