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True Development and the Human Person: Transcending Contradiction in Discerning a Sustainable Capitalism

Geoffrey Strickland


This article seeks to discern the foundation of a sustainable capitalism and development through the lenses of language, law, and Catholic social teaching. In identifying confusion in modern understandings of capitalism and sustainability, it argues for the necessity of a transcendent understanding of the human person to achieve a sustainable capitalism and true development. In essence, a capitalism in which the human person is viewed as a nontranscendent regulated commodity is inherently unsustainable and contradictory. In order to transcend contradiction in seeking a sustainable capitalism, mans principal resource, which is man himself, must be cultivated and respected above all others.

Geoffrey Strickland, "True Development and the Human Person: Transcending Contradiction in Discerning a Sustainable Capitalism", Journal of Markets and Morality 16, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 157-174

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